Maximize the potencial of your CRM with Revenue Operations!

We help you optimize Processes, Data, and Technology to enhance your Marketing, Sales, and Customer Service operations.

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What’s RevOps?

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a strategic framework that aims to drive business growth by putting the customer at the center.

RevOps graph that puts the customer at the center and generates revenue (Marketing, Sales and Services) with processes, data and technology.


RevOps empowers revenue-generating teams (Marketing, Sales, and Services) with processes, data, and technology.

If you identify with any of these situations...

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Do you feel like you're not getting the most out of your CRM and marketing software?

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Lack of visibility of the Buyer/Customer Journey to make informed decisions

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You lack accurate data from your Marketing, Sales, and Service operations

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Low performance of the sales team due to inefficiencies in workflows

With our RevOps Formula we help you to:

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Optimize the use and efficiency of the CRM and marketing tools

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Obtain accurate data from operations for decision making

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Align the efforts and objectives of the Sales and Marketing teams

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Have complete visibility of the Buyer/Customer Journey

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Improve the performance of the sales executives

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Achieve higher conversion rates and faster sales cycles

Our RevOps Formula

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Revenue Operations Diagnosis

We perform a comprehensive analysis of your processes and software platforms, taking into account your business objectives.

This allows us to:

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Evaluate the level of efficiency of your Revenue operations

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Define a starting point and establish the initial priorities

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Adapt our RevOps roadmap to the needs of your company

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RevOps Strategic Roadmap

We outline the path to follow, prioritizing projects according to business objectives.

In this way, we achieve:

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Establishing a critical path to create value quickly

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Providing visibility to the entire team

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Prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency

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Agile and Efficient Execution

We organize our roadmap into weekly sprints. At the beginning of each cycle, we meet with key stakeholders to establish the tasks to be developed.

This allows us to:

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Respond quickly to changes

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Maintain focus on priorities

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Make predictable and consistent progress on the roadmap

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Data and insights

Maximize your revenue generation by making data-driven decisions.

We continuously improve our Marketing, Sales, and Service reports and help you interpret the data so that you can obtain:

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Data from each stage of the Buyer/Customer Journey

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Visibility of what is working and what is not

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Valuable insights to continuously improve your strategy and processes

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Strategy and Roadmap Diagnosis

Quarterly meetings allow us to review the progress made, the results obtained, and the priorities for the next quarter, considering any changes in the business and incorporating the latest technological innovations.

These reviews allow you to:

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Present progress to key stakeholders

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Update the main priorities and roadmap

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Keep us aligned on what is most important

We specialize in Go-to-market strategies and are experts in technology.

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We are not a marketing agency, we are a technology consulting firm.

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Our RevOps Formula concentrates +15 years of experience as operators of technology-based companies.

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We have an agile mindset to create value quickly and incrementally.

Our Services

Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a strategic framework that aims to drive business growth by putting the customer at the center.

Guided Onboarding

We guide you so that you can implement the Sales, Marketing, and Service modules of HubSpot and Salesforce.

Fast Track Onboarding

We implement HubSpot and Salesforce for you with the best practices to ensure you get the best performance as quickly as possible.

Optimization Consulting

If you already have HubSpot or Salesforce, we thoroughly review whether the implementation meets your expectations and goals. We propose and implement the necessary adjustments to achieve your business objectives.

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RevOps as a Service

We continuously maintain and optimize your CRM. We take care of the operational management, automation, and reporting. We help you analyze the data and design strategies to maximize your revenue.

Brands: Salesforce, Hubspot Marketing Hub, Salesforce Service Cloud, Hubspot Sales Hub and Zendesk

Take the first step to optimize your Revenue Operations tech stack with Geekforce!

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